St. Dominic’s
Total Youth Ministry:
The Mount Hope Youth Council seeks to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of faith in the community. We strive to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person and their faith by living and working for justice, peace, and human dignity in our communities.
The Mount Hope Youth council focuses on four Ministry settings including:
- Youth Programming
- Our program focuses on working with students in 6th- 9th grade
- Family Ministry
- We look to foster engagement by incorporating whole families
- Involvement in Church Life
- Developing a sense of belonging in the church as well as church programs
- Collaboration with Community
- Our focus is on community service both in and out of the church setting
Our program is just as much about developing religious young Catholics as it is developing well rounded service oriented young adults.
Beginning as the St. Dominic’s Youth Council, our small group of teens and adults has grown together for many decades and is now opening its doors for all members of the Mount Hope Catholic Community.
Guided by Three Goals
- Youth Ministry works to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.
(This goal emphasizes becoming)
- Youth Ministry seeks to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the faith community.
(This goal emphasizes belonging)
- Youth Ministry empowers young people to become disciples of Jesus Christ who witness to their faith by living and working for justice, peace and human dignity.
(This goal emphasizes transforming and serving)
Total Youth Ministry: Organized Around Eight Components and Four Ministry Settings
- Program Settings
Total Youth Ministry links eight components of youth ministry with four different program settings.
- Youth Programming
This involves organizing a variety of activities around the specific development and social needs of young
people, involving them in program planning.
- Family Ministry
This involves programs and activities geared to incorporating a family perspective in all youth ministry
programming. In developing specific programs and activities for parent, for youth and parents, and for
the whole family.
- Involvement in Church Life
Offering young people opportunities to develop a sense of belonging and loyalty to community; to feel
like a valued member of this community and to take responsibility as leaders in parish-wide programs
such as liturgical ministries, community and social events, educational ministries.
- Collaboration with the civic community
Provides a way for youth ministry to utilize community wide resources and activities, and to plan joint
activities, programs, meetings with the different youth-serving organizations in the community.
(Churches, Schools, scouting programs, youth agencies, CYO.)
Interested in Joining our Youth Council? Contact us!
Telephone: 508.801.7691
Andrew Jacome- Council Director
Jillian Wilson – Assistant Director
Katie McGinn --Assistant Director